What's better: IPL or laser?

This is a question many people seem to wonder about. Traditionally it's depended on what you’re treating.  However, with some of the newer technology the gap between IPL and lasers has narrowed substantially over the years.

Intense pulsed-light systems hit the market in 1996 and no one really knew what exactly they were good for at the time.  The first one on the market (the Photoderm AKA the "PhotoBurn") was touted as being a miracle device that could treat all colors of tattoos, leg veins, pigmented and vascular lesions on all skin types and more.  The problem was the manufacturer and the physicians were still trying to figure what to use it for and what the settings should be.  During that time many people ended up with rectangular burns on various parts of their bodies.  It wasn’t until a physician in California coined the phrase “PhotoFacial” and started offering 5 moderate treatment sessions about 3 weeks apart for treating dyschromia and improving skin tone on Fitzpatrick I-IV skin types before it really took off.

IPL uses cut-off filters that block certain bands of light generated by a zenon flashlamp and then utilizes the desired energy spectrum best suited for skin rejuvenation, removing vascular and pigmented lesions, or performing hair removal.  It’s kind of like shooting with a shotgun or imagine a marching band in their street clothes running onto the field from all directions.  Non-specific broad spectrum.

Laser energy is generated by photons of light being bounced around in a tube getting lined up and then being released through a crystal that generates a very specific wavelength.  Kind of like a rifle shot or the marching band coming onto the field perfectly lined up in their uniforms. Lasers are great for ablating, cutting with minimal blood loss, and treating appropriate targets with very specific wavelengths.  

Unless you just need to have a stand-alone laser to treat specific targets in a certain way or do  ablative procedures, a platform system with advanced IPL and RF can give you more bang for your buck.  Lots of treatment options, easy to use, no disposables, more income potential, and less costly to maintain.

After researching many different companies, we decided to become a distributor for Viora Medical because of their premier platform systems for skin rejuvenation, hair removal, body contouring, skin tightening and cellulite treatment capabilities.  Fractionated sublablative and ablative along with vaginal rejuvenation handpieces in the works.  These are solid, advanced, effective, and impressive systems.  Excellent training, warranties, and company support.   

For more information go to: http://www.vioramed.com.

Contact me and we’ll get you all the details you’ll need. 


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