Don Berryhill work bio

Here's a bit of information on my background in the industry:

I started working with medical lasers for surgical procedures in the OR in 1994.  That year I was certified as a Laser Safety Office (LSO). 

Before starting with medical lasers, I was with W.L. Gore and Associates for 5 years managing their largest hospital accounts in the country in Houston, Texas for their line of vascular grafts, cardiovascular patches and sutures.  I was often in the OR during open heart surgery with two of the world’s most innovative and notable cardiovascular surgeons, Dr’s Michael DeBakey (Methodist Hospital) and Denton Cooley (Texas Heart Institute).  It was one of my greatest privileges and highlights of working in the medical field.  

In 1996, I was introduced to the newly emerging field of cash-based aesthetic lasers and started to work for the company that introduced the first intense-pulsed light system on the market.  We also sold and rented C02 lasers for facial resurfacing procedures at that time.  

Over the last 23 years I have worked for several different laser companies in sales and marketing.  I’ve had the chance to work with a variety of lasers and developed a good sense of how they work and what each one is best at.  

During this time I have been in hundreds of medical offices and had thousands of conversations with physicians and staff regarding medical lasers and related devices.  I’ve sold hundreds of devices as well and have seen first-hand what works and what doesn’t regarding the treatments themselves and marketing efforts to increase patient traffic.  

One thing I’ve noticed over and over is that most physicians don’t have time to become experts on the “business” of lasers.  This is where I come in.  My focus is to use my years of experience in this industry to help physicians and their staff become better educated consumers when it comes to buying or selling new or used lasers, maximize the use of their equipment to get better results, and fine tune their marketing efforts to generate more business.  I also have a background as a singer-songwriter and like to combine creativity with my knowledge of the laser market to create and brainstorm new marketing strategies for my clients.

I have the utmost respect for physicians and greatly appreciate the effort and commitment it takes to become a doctor and the day to day challenges of running a medical practice.  I have spoken with so many over the years who have expressed frustration with insurance reimbursement and the struggles to get paid in a timely manner and are searching for new ways to generate more income.  

My mission is to use my experience in this industry to help maximize the success of those who want to start offering cash-based services and help those already offering these services fine to tune their approach.   


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