One thing you MUST do before buying new equipment

If you’re considering buying a new laser or aesthetic device from a manufacturer there may come a time when you want to sell it. 

Most physicians are very surprised when they find out how much their equipment has depreciated in value in just a relatively short time.  

The main reasons for this are:
  • Manufacturers come out with a new version of the same system almost every year (usually nothing much has changed but they want you to think so)
  • Similar devices are entering the market at reduced prices
  • Many more used devices available for sale than most people realize.  Also, they almost always sell for less than the advertised price.  
So how do you make your device more valuable when it comes time to sell it? 

Do NOT sign any contract for a new laser or expensive aesthetic device without insisting the manufacturer put IN WRITING that they will not charge anyone you sell it to a recertification fee and that any warranty you have left can be transferred to the new owner.  This is especially important if that device requires the use of proprietary disposables.  

If you do this, your system will be 10X easier to sell on the used market and much more valuable.

The manufacturer's rep will squawk and say they just can't do that but there is a way if you know how to present it.  Call me if you want to discuss the details of how to negotiate this or to better understand the recertification fees they charge. 

For more information go to: 


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